Ken Noble

Ken Noble

2018 North Harbour Business Hall of Fame Laureate

Ken Noble left school on his sixteenth birthday as he was more commercial than academic.  His first employer was Dental and Medical supply and the boss had enough confidence in him, that at age seventeen and a half he offered Ken a Sales Representative role, that was the stepping stone Ken needed to launch him into a career in sales.

In 1972 having seen a gap in the market, Ken with Sue’s encouragement resigned from his job and started G.P. Healthcare from the home garage. With their first son Myles only a few week’s old, this was a brave move. Sue and Ken worked in the business together, and twenty-three years later with 64 employees they sold the company to a multi-national “Invacare”.

Ken is currently the Chairman of Allied Medical, a business he started 20 years ago with his daughter Katie, who is the Managing Director.  The company is based at Interplex, it employs 27 people and is involved in the distribution and customisation of assistive technology products. 

Ken has always been involved in both the community and his industry sector through the likes of serving on School Board of Trustees, Community Service Clubs and has chaired an industry Association.

Ken has been a mentor for Business Mentors New Zealand since 2008 and has mentored in excess of 50 business owners during this time, providing a huge benefit to them.

Over the last five years Ken has been a Trustee for the North Shore Hospice and this has certainly been a highlight for him.  Chairing the Property Committee, they have rebranded all the Hospice stores along with opening additional stores with the support of the Board.  Chairing the new build in Warkworth was a great community project and late last year they opened a purpose-built Hospice in Warkworth that is providing respite care for families in the district.

Ken will tell you ‘Life is not a rehearsal’ and he plans to continue to be as supportive as possible to his family, his business endeavours and the community.

Ken is a truly worthy inductee to the North Harbour Business Hall of Fame.